Teachers and Students from Tongji University Visited Saint-Gobain APAC Headquarters


On November 9, six Saint-Gobain scholarship winners from Tongji University and teacher Zongting LIAO, Secretary-General of Tongji University Foundation, and Fan FANG, Vice Secretary-General, visited Saint-Gobain APAC headquarters office in Shanghai.

Anthony CHONG, Saint-Gobain APAC HR Vice President expressed a warm welcome to the teachers and students and sincerely invited Tongji students to join in Saint-Gobain. Saint-Gobain APAC Corporate Communication Director Catherine LIU, Saint-Gobain Multi-Comfort Scientist Xiaotong GAO and APAC Chief Digital Officer Hanson WANG respectively presented Saint-Gobain Group, the concept of Saint-Gobain Multi-Comfort and the International Multi-Comfort Student Contest, showing Saint-Gobain's long history, our key values, strong business and Saint-Gobain's efforts in sustainability.


Saint-Gobain established strategic partnership with Tongji University since 2011 in several areas including joint research projects, employment and internship opportunities for Tongji students in Saint-Gobain, scholarship programs and technical trainings. Since then, more than 30 students from majors in civil engineering, construction, environment, materials and automobiles etc… have been awarded with the Saint-Gobain scholarship.?

Saint-Gobain will continue to set up in-depth cooperation with universities across China, to develop and attract best local talents and enrich our teams.